Places we have been.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Day Trip to Heidelberg

Heidelberg is about 25 km away from Mannheim. I have been to Heidelberg few times before but this historic and beautiful old town never ceases to fascinate me. No wonder, it's on top of my list of places to introduce my parents to.

We were lucky to have a nice weather then. Our first stop was at the Palace and its garden then we took the 315 steps down to the old town center. After wandering around the Town Square, we visited the two cathedrals. We had lunch at the Thai Restaurant at the town center and subsequently walked down to the river side and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon there. There is so much to say about the town of Heidelberg and its towering Palace but I don't have the luxury to sit in front of my computer these days. We have enough on our plates to keep me away from my blog station. Nevertheless, let me take you through the trip with the photos below.

The Heidelberg Palace, far behind (view from the Town Square).

At the Courtyard of the Palace.

The Old Town,view from the Palace.
The Old Bridge, view from the Palace.
The Palace.

The Wine Barrel at the Palace.
Inside the Pharmacy Museum at the Palace.
Pharmacy Museum
The ruins of the Palace
Taking the steps down to the Old town (315 steps)
At the Town Square
The Cathedral (Lutheran)
By the river
One of the alley in the Old Town

You can view the whole photo album for this trip below.

(yet to be completed,check this out again)


Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!